2016 Sepang Formula One

All the photographs and images on this site are copyright. All original photographs on this web site are copyright Nizam Ahamad ©2000 – 2050.

Semua gambar dan imej dalam web ini adalah hakcipta terpelihara. Semua gambar asli di web ini hak cipta Nizam Ahamad ©2000 – 2050. 

Bising dah kawan aku si Midon, aku lupa nak upload gambar2 pegi sepang awal bulan nih. Ahad 2 Oktober 2016 rasanya.

Yeah, goes there, been there, done that eh.

I was at Sepang Formula One 2016 grandstand – (there’s many types of tickets and seats at the grandstand area). Got complimentary tickets from my friend for free which is actually cost few hundreds or might reach thousand MYR (RM). Actually his wife company gave it to their staff, yet his wife cannot go there lah jaga anak diorang. Mungkin gak dia tak minat F1, tapi rasanya bleh tahan si Sya bawak kete laju cam pelesit gak hehe .

Banyak gile tiket dapat, orang plak tak cukup. Tak expect lak banyak camtu. Sampai ada yang tak pakai hehe. Here’s the photos…. not much, sebab bateri kaput, dan malas nak gi spot2 lain kat grandstand tu. (biasa dah separuh masa diorang x jaga pintu dah, boleh gi jalan2. rajin malas, berani x berani je. Aku kalau dah malas nak shoot, mmg macam xde gambar la.. >_<

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